The film we planned to show as our last of 2018 had to be changed. Vancouver filmmaker Elaine Briere told us she needed more time to edit her latest film, at that time called Dangerous Hope: Canada’s Betrayal of Democracy in Haiti. Finally released in 2021 as Haiti Betrayed: Canada and the coup against democracy in Haiti, you can now watch this very powerful film online for $4.
As a quick replacement that night, we offered a related film by Montreal-based filmmaker Amy Miller about NATO and Canada’s escalating misuse of our military. Myths for Profit: Canada’s Role in Industries of War and Peace is a film that depicts the historical context for Canada’s gradual transition from altruistic peacekeeper to our current role as an active participant in unprovoked military aggression.

Why is Canada so eager to support the slaughter of civilians on the other side of the globe? Released in 2009, this film is still relevant today as the Canadian government continues to abuse our country’s reputation as a peacekeeper by exponentially increasing our military budget for aggressive warfare. Amy Miller’s eye-opening documentary reveals the still hidden blood on Canada’s hands.
Watching this informative film used to be free (like people everywhere just want to be) until March 2023. As far as we know, it is currently not available online.